I had token on a platform that had a few hundred million dollars in drama and I was hoping to replace the functionality.
Does anyone know a similar platform where I can easily create a token and see a list of who has it at any given time?
1 thing I need is to be able to pay them in a popular cryptocurrency to the same address. So if I give someone 10 of this new token and want to send them another more standard currency later it would need to go to the same address. That way I don’t have to request more information from someone I might not even know depending on if someone gave them the token or they picked it up on a DEX.
Fees are pretty important as well. I could create for about $4 when I started and sending was .001 of whatever currency so for the low cost ones it cost a few cents for a mass pay to 100 people. Which reminds me that mass pay is a lot of help as well.
I just want something reliable and safe where the owner hasn’t done some shady stuff and tanked the value somehow.
Thanks in advance for any help and cheers.
submitted by /u/MysteryCardz-Com
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