Solana Memecoins
Hype vs. utility: Where do we draw the line with memecoins?

Not gonna lie, i’ve always seen memecoins as pure speculation, just hype, pump, dump, repeat. But recently, i came across one that actually made me pause: SAAD BOI

Apparently, they’re developing an AI focused on mental health support, meant to be a first step for people who aren’t ready or can’t afford professional help. Sounds crazy, right? A memecoin trying to do something actually useful?

Now, i know what you’re thinking “Every crypto project claims to have a purpose.” And yeah, a lot of them do, but how many actually build something that could matter outside of crypto?

I’m not saying this is the next big thing, but it’s an interesting concept. The team behind it also runs Pennybois Stock Alerts (which has 46K+ members), so they’re not total randoms. Still, it’s early, and I haven’t seen many people talking about it.

So i’m curious, do you think memecoins can actually provide real value beyond just being fun and speculative? Or is this just another case of trying to slap a “mission” on something to make it look legit?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

submitted by /u/RealEyeze
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