”For all those worried, it’s important to realize that CRO is currently almost back to its lowest point since the last cycle and has managed to hold its value with bitcoin drastically lower than its current price. With CDC’s share, caw is now behaving almost like a stablecoin. But caw is a fucking meme coin. Have you ever seen a fucking stable meme coin? Hypothetically speaking, we’re now almost “stable” at our lowest value. The well-known and completely speculative expression “only up from here” could well now be our reality. I don’t know if everyone realizes how locked and loaded we are. Were ready to explode whether it’s full bull, half bull, fake bull or no bull. Notice how we often manage to be in the green, when everything is red. Your are not bullish enough. WE GOTTA KEEP RAIDING. THIS IS IT. DON’T LET YOUR FOOT OF THE GAS.”
It’s on Solana and BASE too. This coin is multi-chain.
I have to make this post 1000 characters. What can I say? DYOR
crow with knife
submitted by /u/ThePremiumPepper
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