Solana Memecoins

AFTAR, which stands for Advocating For The Amazon Rainforest, is a meme coin that is looking to turn the tables on the meme coin industry.

In most cases, meme coins are created around hype about a certain topic, person, place or event. Because those are trending these meme coins are created and they can increase in value very quickly. On the downside, they can lose the value just as fast as many scammers enter the space creating what is called a rug pull. This is when the token is created to cash in on the hype and as potential investors buy the tokens the creator or the team all withdraw their value of the token at the same time causing the value of everyone else’s tokens to drop, if not disappear altogether.

AFTAR was built differently. It was created to bring more hype and awareness around what is happening in the Amazon Rainforest. The community, which is the people buying the meme coin, are excited as the intent around the project has purpose. They have tokens allocated to an organization called Jungle Keepers so as the project increases in value, so do the tokens allocated to Jungle Keepers.

In addition, as the project grows, the value of each token grows, thus causing the market cap of the entire project (all tokens in circulation) to grow. The project has donation allocations to Jungle Keepers as market cap milestones are achieved and they have their sights on getting high enough to be donating thousands.

Lastly, the community can make profits off their initial investment, so long as the market cap continues to grow, and some members are doing donations to Jungle Keepers themselves. The way the project has identified itself to Jungle Keepers is by doing a one-time donation and changing the amount. Instead of doing a flat amount, they are doing $5.11 or $10.24.

Whether you are into crypto, specifically meme coins, or not, this is cool to see that the digital world of crypto is looking to help drive donation dollars to the Amazon Rainforest where deforestation is happening at a rapid pace. If you happen to donate to Jungle Keepers, please consider using customized amounts to help this community get into the spotlight.

To make a donation to Jungle Keepers, the website is

If you are interested in learning more about this meme coin community, the website is

The community also has a telegram group (hyper link on website) in which the community members are constantly talking about how to spread the word and grow the market cap, thus ensure more money gets to Jungle Keepers.

They are also looking for 1-2 more donation organizations in the Amazon to support. If you know of any, please post them here.


submitted by /u/AccomplishedBall9400
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