Hey everyone,
Lately, I’ve become really good at developing on the Solana network, and I really want to launch my own DApp. I’ve noticed that most no-code token generators out there charge a ridiculous amount—would anyone be interested in a similar service but at a MUCH lower cost?
This is possible thanks to some friends who are running a private RPC node in a datacenter for a big upcoming project and are letting me use it for free.
Other ideas I’ve been considering:
- An NFT generator
- A fast-trading platform with lower and more transparent fees
- Do you think any of these ideas could work?
- Do you think Solana is worth investing more time in, or is it just a gambling club about to shut down?
- Any other cool ideas? If you have a great idea, I can build it and we can share, write me!
Would love to hear your thoughts!
submitted by /u/Deep_Ad_3354
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