$Nerdy officially announced their CTO as completed yesterday. The community has acquired all the socials from the project, and launched a new website. At this point it is basically like a fresh launch of the coin. When the CTO wheels got put in motion, the coin was at ~ a $25K market cap, which if it was on a launch wouldn’t have even been bonded. Now after a few weeks of work, the market cap is between 90K and 100K, putting it around the price a coin would normally graduate to Raydium. This in my opinion is better than a fresh launch, because you don’t have a dev team sniping and bundling the launch, just a community of people who really believe in the idea, who have held solid through ups and downs and have proved over 2+ months that they intend to stick around.
In addition, the community team has attracted some solid leadership that are putting in the work to make sure this coin has the ability to stick around long term. If you are looking for a solid community play, instead of a quick pump and dump, this coin is the low cap of your dreams. It’s fresh enough that anyone can still contribute and help lead, and it has great art, with a hugely relatable theme. The guy doing the marketing has come up with an ingenious marketing tactic to get regular, real world eyes on the project, and with a little traction, this has real potential to fly. If you are interested in finding a meme you can hold onto and grow with, $Nerdy is the one for you. Check out our telegram and socials, and join us in creating something great.
submitted by /u/mwardell142
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