Solana Memecoins

3.1M YT Landing page is shilling $boatsnaps. We are shifting all of our socials to showcase $BoatSnaps. It’s not IF but WHEN! πŸš€ πŸŒ™

Boatsnaps is so legit it’s barely a gamble! It’s real world company is pumping as it is, it’s going nowhere!

Wait till their viewership catches onto this freshly launched project……faces will melt!

Currently working on a fair method to reward holders with premium access to uncensored content on Boatsnaps site – must balance holder rewards vs subscriber value.

Starting Monday $Boatsnaps will accept SOL for premium access to our uncensored videos. 50% SOL will be used for liquidity/stability and 50% SOL will go towards burning $boatsnaps to create scarcity and value to our holders.

What sets this apart is that BoatSnaps was built from the ground up and owners would never abandon or harm it. $Boatsnaps Coin is the next step, a natural evolution after five years of success in social media.

!!! $Boatsnaps posts on IG and FB will be collab with Miami-Famous for a combined 1.3M Audience. !!!

CA: FSRoBup222M53qLDKNjQDFQppfEJ3QisXpQx1Nxepump

submitted by /u/Advanced-Analyst-718
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