hey guys i ran into a new launchpad platform for solana named gochu.fun tell me what yall think about it. they said to have anti-pvp that punish people selling before migration and those fees goes towards LP. this look like it could be better than pump.fun and gofundmeme. it look like its still early but i’ve been looking at this for the past couple of days and i see the dev’s are making hella improvements on their site and ecosystem. i even bought some of $gochu coin that was launched on pump.fun and also one that was launched on gochu.fun platform called $DOOD doodle cat which had migrated in a couple hrs after launch. i even seen toly the co-founder of sol asking questions about ecosystem on x. Let me know what yall think. i feel this can be huge for meme coins and solana. the gitbook about their project and platform https://gochu-fun.gitbook.io/
FYI this is NFA! and i’m not pushing for it to be
submitted by /u/jdw_dagifted
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