$Nerdy went through the wringer, but the community has come together and is slowly building from the ground up. We love the 8-bit nostalgia of the art, we love talking about what makes us nerdy in the Telegram, and we hope all our fellow redditors will join us in building this project, that is clean, fun, and is a reminder of what memes can be when we all work together.
Even in the terrible market conditions we have been experiencing lately, $Nerdy has more than tripled off its recent lows, which speaks to the communities conviction in the project. Check out the daily chart, and I think you’ll see what I see – a coin that has some conviction behind it.
There is a current giveaway for 100K nerdy running, and the community is dedicated to making the project a success over the long term. There is a weekly comic being developed, and merch in the works for when the market starts to turn.
If you want to be a part of a real community, that has more in common than just crypto, come join the rest of the nerds over at $Nerdy, and help us build something we can all be proud of.
submitted by /u/mwardell142
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