I feel like there are no good index funds in crypto, but that there should be. So I am creating one that tracks the top one hundred projects. I already got someone to code it all, but I have no presale funds (needed for marketing, website, and hiring). Do any of you know where I could get these presale funds (I will offer a deal too good for anyone to turn down just need to find a place to offer. Will charge a 2% fee on all coin transactions and that money will be distributed to presale buyers). Like a subreddit with whales or something? If anyone here wants to buy as well, you can contact me on x: https://x.com/BCIcoin, telegram: @ Itradecrypto30, or just dm me on reddit. If you don’t want to help, but instead want to criticize, I’ll see you in the comments!
submitted by /u/Pristine-Club9620
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