So did this coin just die or what? Another classic pump and dump rug pull? Sure as hell looks like it. I just checked it out on Phantom and is now currently unavailable. And yet, I see nothing negative written about this coin whatsoever and suspect the developers of this coin is doing a REALLY GOOD job hiding their traces by deleting everything negative in their path.
I almost fell for their “charity mission” as well, as that wasn’t an obvious ploy to lure suckers in their only 500 holders coin… So I’m not surprised how this played out at all and I still take my chances with the one and only Snake Wif Hat (no, I’m not shilling), considering the previous two coins ACTUALLY were a big success.
If anybody has some new info about this Wanka coin, please let me know because I don’t believe that this still is the real thing after going to rock bottom and I don’t hear a peep from anyone about it…
submitted by /u/TrueCryptoInvestor
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