Solana Memecoins

everyone has lost thier sol recently to the devil (celeb and cebal rug pulls) so here is the place to get it back!!!

The sinfully sexy cherch meme and congregation of naughty nuns and deviant deacons has been around over a month now, and just as promised, blessed its long time holders with a 1% distribution! Yes miraculously, a dev that does what he says and keeps it 100! gave away mw coin to holders with more blessings to cum in future, things are looking hopefull for this (atm) low market cap coin!

just like every other coin out there, the cherch was hit by the recent downfall of sol lost to the devils as mentioned, but we are on a mission to rise up our sol to the heavens and have some fun along the way. we aren’t your grandmothers cherch, that is for sure. our tg is full of degen naughty nuns and deviant deacons that have found the light at cherch and just want to share it (and more!) with everone. together we will cleanse the sins of the crypto wallets and restore faith in our sol!

so what’s to cum at cherch???

  • SUNDAY SERMON will be an ongoing weekly gathering! completly inclusive, we want people from all coins to cum through and participate or just listen in our community conversations! preacher will talk about the good word, (buying the dip) and how it relates to our current lives

  • CRAZY CONFESSIONS ADD-SOL-UTION another part of the sunday sermon. we will be taking peoples confessions of how thier sol has been burdened whether it be a fading of faith in a coin or adult-jeetery on a community. (doesn’t have to necessarily be crypto related also) we are not here to judge peoples past discressions but rather unburden them from the past! (annonomous if you wish). peoples confessions that are selected will get something to replenish thier sol.

  • PRAYERS -the last part of the sunday sermon. where we will open it up the the congregation to share their prayers for the week.(shill) or talk about what they are hopefull for that week. this open discussion time could also be used to ask our creator questions and give your input on any matters that are important to you.

    The $CHERCHs mission doesn’t end there and we are doing the creators work constantly behind the scenes(website redesign imminent) we hope you cum with us on the this journey and save your sol with us. this is a real community, and community involvement in any way is always welcome.

submitted by /u/bgnut4her
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