Hey everyone!
I’ve been diving into memecoins lately, and while it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, I have noticed that most people trade meme coins as a group and honestly trading alone has not been fun.
I have my fair share of success sine I started in november, so I am not new to it but I am no pro either.
I’m reaching out to see if anyone wants to join me in the trenches, sharing strategies, and learning as a group, we could also create some coins toghether.
I am not looking to promote anything, I am looking to trade as a group.
I am on Rome Time but we could coordinate a time that works for all of us.
I am a native speaker” in English, Spanish, and Italian.
If you’re interested, drop a comment below or DM me! We can start a Discord or Telegram or whatever you guys want to use to coordinate and get the ball rolling.
submitted by /u/lawman5304
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