Step 1 of the Revolution:
Step 1 is known as The Foundation. Step 1 is divided into a 3 pronged attack system, each being worked on simultaneously.
Prong 1: Frowg, me. Prong 1 is the establishment of Frowg as a figurehead, the representative of the idea that doing the right thing is the best way to live our lives. The solidification of the belief that things as they are now, are wrong. Frowg should be a focal point to channel our collective voices and shake the foundation of the current establishment through his words and deeds.
Prong 2: The Team. Projects live and die on the backs of their teams. These are the people who take one step further. The ones who see the need for change, and take action to be that change. My goal is to draw from the vast resource pool many ignore in crypto, regular human beings. Each and every one of us is talented in our own unique way. We are all good at SOMETHING. It truly does not matter where your talent lies, what matters is your willingness to give that talent, your own personal strength, to aid a greater cause. I will accept all volunteers, any and every person who wants to change the world, who wants to help $Frowg be a catalyst for good, all of them will be accepted. All of them. They may not all stay, but no one will be turned away at the door of $Frowg.
Prong 3: The Community. Memecoins exist because people exist. It’s as simple as that. They are empty vehicles with no direction. It is only when someone sits behind the wheel that the vehicle comes to life. Without a community, without people, memecoins are just an idea. But when you add people, when you inspire passion in those people, the world itself can be changed. Prong 3 is very simple, give people a place where they can be themselves. Give people a cause to believe in. Give people hope, not only for the future, but for the present. Change can happen, not through the actions of one man, but through the actions of many.
Stand United. Stand with Frowg. Be the Change the World Needs. #BeFrowg.
submitted by /u/Utopian-Dystopia-4
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