Solana Memecoins

Alright, so here’s the thing => memecoin devs aren’t your friends. They’re not out here trying to make you rich; they’re trying to milk every last drop of liquidity from hype traders like us. And one of their favorite tools? Trading bots. These bots are programmed to snipe launches, front-run buys, and even manipulate charts to make it look like a coin is mooning when it’s really just the dev playing 4D chess with your FOMO. Ever wonder why some coins look like they have crazy volume, but the second you try to sell, the price tanks? Yeah, that’s the bots doing their thing.

I learned this the hard way last year when I aped into a hyped-up launch, only to watch my buy get front-run by a swarm of bots. Price instantly pumped, then dumped before I could even click “sell.” Turns out, the dev had deployed a bot army to pump their own bags and exit while the rest of us held worthless tokens. It’s not just about avoiding obvious scams, some legit-looking projects do this too. If you’re not careful, you’re just exit liquidity in someone else’s game))

Bots aren’t always the enemy. The right ones can actually level the playing field if you use them smartly. Instead of getting front-run, you can copy the trades of profitable traders automatically. It’s not a 100% solution, but it’s much safer. I use Bananagun bot for this and I’m more than satisfied.

submitted by /u/Sharp-Self-Image
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