I’ve lost everything. My entire life savings is gone. Every single coin I’ve invested in has been rugged almost immediately. Idk what to do now, honestly thinking about offing myself. I can’t even afford to pay my rent anymore. I was scammed out of my Solflare account last year and lost over 200k worth of solana. It was absolutely devastating but I managed to get back on my feet. But now I’ve lost it all again and I just don’t think I’ll ever recover from this. I’ve lost faith in people, how can all these scammers just steal everyone’s money and face absolutely no consequences? It’s bullshit. Everyone is out to get you and no one has your back. People are greedier than ever and won’t hesitate to destroy someone’s life for a bit of cash. So done with this shit.
submitted by /u/Bongus-chongas
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