Solana Memecoins


I was a longtime holder in a coin that I believed in and sadly sold out. The Dev is MIA, he comes and goes and gives some news and whenever his plans are not fulfilled, the FUD takes over the community and the price drops. It is a utility coin and we have been waiting for development for weeks but it doesn’t come. Token creator holds 0 of the token. However, I looked at a lot of the whales in the top holders, and a lot of them send millions of coins into Streamflow. As I understand, that website is used for staking or vesting coins. However, I can’t find any staking for this coin. Is this not weird? Do whales get any kind of money or is this some kind of scheme by the dev to amass coins and vest it in Streamflow? I’m not familiar with that website so sorry for the noob question.

submitted by /u/AlbatrossSlow1053
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