The snake wif hat dev team is cooking and a hint at the next CEX listing was just given on the updated linktree! The updated link tree has a list of all associated social medias and a list of all partners including Victus Global our venture capital partner! The ball is now rolling and the price should follow soon. Our communities are growing and we’d like you to be a part! Come join us on Reddit at r/snakewifhat if you’d like to hear about our roadmap!
On an additional note, fudding between original projects needs to stop in these chats, there are more than one token that will survive and dividing up investors in meme tokens is the fastest way to ensure we all die. Whether you like hege, snake wif hat, anarchy or any other meme token small buys matter when building a community and there are no rules against liking multiple projects. I wish nothing but the best for the other communities here as in the end we all have the same goals ! 🙂
submitted by /u/Less_Replacement1863
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