Solana Memecoins

I recently got CT put on my X algorithm and there’s been a trend of people with the same looking pfps (I’m assuming it’s some NFT, looks like a video game character) and they basically all shill out the same type of posts daily, for example:

“I started with 2 SOL and made 50 today, here’s how I did it” leading to some small thread with general tips and a bunch of referral links or a paid TG group.

Another type of common post is them showing off their Phantom wallet talking about how they made 50k+ in a single week.

I’ll look through the comment sections and you’ll always see them filled with mostly bots, people begging for SOL handouts and the occasional personal calling bluff on the person posting.

How often are people pulling numbers like these daily and how much of it is because they have insider knowledge/rugging followers/etc.

I’m new to the space and learning and I’ll just do small $10 bets on different coins and maybe once out of 6 times I hit a nice amount only to lose like $100-200 on bad coins/rug pulls.

It just seems insane people like this can be making this much money daily/monthly while making it seem so effortless.

submitted by /u/Contract007
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