Hey friends, I have been trading memecoins for the last year and crypto for more time than I can remember. Me and my partners have made some good money but we are tired of being on the defensive end. We have rallied a community for information on trades when and before they happen. We are recruiting new members to help us boost ourselves to radium on each token and in return you will make a massive return for investing with us early (I This isn’t a rug operation or some sketchy pepe coin scam, we are legitimate investors who seek the best possible opportunities, and in helping us we will help each-other! We have 700 active members who are ready to jump on a trade at any given moment, join us before we start releasing contact ids on our tg channel. We need ur help! We want to make as much as we can together and the best way to grow is as a community. All of our sources are from a group of 100 private and high value investors who have been with us for many years and are eager to start this project so don’t miss out! There is a significant benefit to joining us when we are still a relatively small community. We hope you take a leap with us. Thanks for reading
submitted by /u/Standard-Turnover961
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