$SHIBUSSY recently turned 2 months old. In admin years, that’s about 17 months lol. SHIBUSSY was a project born out of exhaustion. Tired of the rugs. Tired of the scams. Tired of the false promises and BS. We were strong out of the gate with this message, and it resonated with many. We slowly amassed a cult-like following, slept walked the charts to a 3 million MC, and that’s when it happened….
a day-one investor who we considered to be an “angel whale” liquidated his entire position
I’m not gonna lie, my stomach dropped. Rather than panic selling and taking the fattest L of my lifetime, I decided to lean into the new language we were developing at SHIBUSSY: I took a nap.
Now, this is usually meant to be a figurative way of saying “I’m taking a break from the charts and gonna go touch grass,” but I also did it literally. And when I woke up, I can’t even begin to describe the shock I had when I discovered the community rallied together and ate up the dip. This should’ve killed the project, but it transformed it into something bigger than itself. The devastation I felt for watching a stranger dump a project I’ve been a part of since day one turned to hope.
And we went on to record a record high 5 million MC after this
It’s not perfect now – we’ve felt the impact of $TRUMP and the man behind the coin, the markets being shit right now, and the uncertainty of when alt season will begin. But I can tell you one thing: us sleepyheads aren’t going anywhere. We’ve already looked death in its eyes and chose to nap in its face.
You can’t kill what’s already dead inside.
If you want to join the cult, you can find us at r/SHIBUSSY, with further info being at our website: www.shibussy.com
submitted by /u/hntrpttrsn
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