So there’s a Taylor swift coin in the style of the trump fight fight fight coin.
But it AI trash. The dev is keeping it from bonding to pump dump and repeat.
I’m going to design an actual T Swizzy coin tonight.
Just gauging interests. If Yall thought the trump pump was insane you have no clue how fanatic swift fans are. I admittedly am one, and have a few friends who are too. Not looking to rug pull anyone – goal is to bond this.
Motive to reinforce your faith that I won’t rug pull. If I make an awesome TSWIFT coin that goes viral, it’ll be amazing for my graphic design career. Also I get hella clout among my swifties
Anyways. If Yall are interested drop a comment below and I’ll let Yall know when Im getting ready to post it. I plan on only buying like .8 sol when I make it. Doing my best to get trust into the coin.
Okay, byee ~~
submitted by /u/FvckAdobe
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