On my 18th birthday I opened a PaddyPower account, which marked the beginning of my euphoria! 🥹
I made £1,500 on one sports bet, and promptly lost it all within the week. My P/L got to about -£7,000, when I decided I had to put a stop to it. I entered GamStopUK which prohibited me from gambling under my name forever, which saved me.
Fast forward to this meme craze… It was fun, euphoric, but didn’t realise I was gambling again… until I lost so much. Since December I’ve lost about £1,000, which doesn’t seem like a lot but for me, it’s crazy money; money I shouldn’t put into Chillmas or Rizo, or whatever!
I’m going to close my account, today, but I can’t go out on a loss… I’m asking the community for some financial support, I’ve got nothing else left to lose ❤️
submitted by /u/StripyPandaXx
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