Remember the good old days of firing up the console for an adventure? We can still capture that feeling at Choctopus. With a real, flourishing Discord community and ever growing Telegram group, Choctopus has a large market on friendly, helpful, fun members who bring the hype every day. Trivia, voice channels, daily Dev interaction, and more to come all the time. Different tiers of holders have different ranks in the Choctopus army, starting with 3,500 for Lieutenant – all the way up to Generals holding 2 million each. Sometimes rewards are sprinkled throughout the community, and being high rank is good. Also a 1M Choctopus airdrop for ALL holders once we reach $3M MC, which is the next bullrun We’ve been around, thriving, and accumulating since November 2024, and today’s bloodbath is just a delicious dip for Choccy boy to snack on. Read the white paper at Join our discord at Fix it yourself Telegram address- https:// submitted by /u/BeatsMeByDre |
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