I came across $RTO (Reddit Takeover) yesterday. It’s a new memecoin, created by Redditors, for Redditors. I checked out the Telegram, and it seems like a very well-run project so far. It was launched on moonshot. MajorBuyBot did a video breakdown and gave it a 9/10 rating.The market cap is well under $1 million. Reddit is the one thing we all have in common. This seems like something that everyone here can and should get behind. This coin isn’t based on some fad or something that is going to go out of style. This one could really be something special. We are all already here on Reddit as a community, why not pool our money together and all 🚀? Instead of arguing over which memecoin is best, let’s join together, everyone fill up at least some of your bag with $RTO, and everybody wins.
submitted by /u/xxDankerstein
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