The entire crypto market has been kind of neutral for a few months with a couple of dips.
Most people tried to trade Pumpfun only to get rugged at the end of the day. New retail is coming on February and even old traders are switching to buy and hold good memecoins.
You are going to miss 1000x by chasing daily 2x.
Buy and hold good narratives and communities, especially ones that aren’t being priced right.
Prime example is $CRYPTO, CTO since 2 months ago when it was rugged, everyday active community and still only 40k marketcap which will blow up soon.
How did you make it in life? $CRYPTO is the answer and narrative.
Feel free to do your own research and see if this makes sense for you.
CA: 9huESaYrXtsdx4gGLHxrSZ9Uta3sN2SKZUYux5ZVpump
X: CryptoOnSolCTO
Telegram: CRYPTOsolCommunity
submitted by /u/Top-Membership995
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