There seems to be a fake telegram group that has recently emerged, claiming to be POWSCHE and claiming to be going through a migration. They’re offering users to claim their “free prize”. They’re also adding people to the group, and using team members profile pictures to try to lure people in.
I urge everybody to change their settings on telegram so that they cannot be added to more scamming groups, weather they’re powsche or not.
We have got a lot of new people here recently, and the majority of them are new to crypto in general. There are people out there who won’t understand, and expecially the new lads who wouldve lost money on other stupid rug coins not knowing what they’re doing (we’ve all been there), they will fall for this trap hoping they can get some of their funds back.
Remember, POWSCHE will never ask you for money tokens or details, weather it’s your name/address/CA or anything.
Always approach everything with extreme caution
And make sue you have got yourself a cold wallet to prevent your funds being drained.
Stay safe out there, take your crypto seriously🤝
submitted by /u/Carwyn23
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