Hey Crypto-Enthusiast!
We’re excited to share that Shogun has hit a major milestone, with our market cap reaching $2.5 million! And for those following the chart, you’ve probably noticed our 13 straight days of green candles, barely any selling volume, and hardly any bottom wicks. It might look unusual, but there’s a good reason for it, and we want to break it down.
Why Our Chart Looks Different
Most projects go through three price phases: Accumulation, Manipulation, and Distribution. That middle phase, Manipulation, is often where big swings happen as some people try to push prices up or down to their advantage. Here at Shogun, we stick to a two-phase model of Accumulation and Distribution, no big price swings or artificial dips.
How? Shogun Maintains Stability Through Revenue Sharing
Our unique revenue-sharing model is designed to reward holders without them needing to sell their tokens when prices appreciate. The real value of Shogun isn’t just in token appreciation but in the returns earned through the project’s utility-Shogunex. Our approach prioritizes long-term growth, so committed holders can benefit over time without constantly trading or selling off their tokens.
For those who want to join the revenue-sharing program, holding the token is a prerequisite. This setup incentivizes stability, as contributors need to hold a stake in Shogun to participate. It’s not just holding alone, though members must be active contributors to be eligible for revenue-sharing benefits. By keeping a committed group of holders, Shogun’s token doesn’t see the typical fluctuations that come from short-term selling pressure.
Staking for Daily Cash Flow and Project Strength
Beyond revenue sharing, Shogun offers a staking pool that provides daily cash flow to holders. This program helps the community earn a steady return, adding another layer of stability to our charts. By staking their tokens, holders are supporting Shogun’s liquidity, which strengthens the overall project.
Safeguards Against Exploitation
To ensure fairness, we’ve put in place safeguards to prevent people from gaming the system. The wallets of top contributors in the revenue-sharing program: top 5, top 20, and top 100 are required to be doxxed internally. This transparency allows the team to monitor for any significant selling activity, ensuring that contributors in these roles remain genuinely committed to Shogun’s growth.
Thank you all for your support and commitment! This milestone is a testament to our community’s shared dedication and to Shogun’s unique approach to long-term, value-driven growth.
Website: ShogunCrypto com
Tg: Shoguncrypto_com
X: Shoguncryptos
YouTube: TraderMaxx
submitted by /u/Main-Sherbet-3643
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