I sold off my entire position in BRETT and found my newly established conviction $SPX6900. I was attracted by the MC to Holders ratio. I followed Crash for MONTHS and saw how he played everyone on that $bull scam. I quickly realized how things had played out with Brett, crash claimed to be retail and he claimed to have given a “call” by “sharing” Brett at 3-5M MC…it’s all bullshit, he didn’t upload his YT video until days later once him and his boys pumped the chart and loaded up the supply. The entire scheme is ran by cabal and they praise each other so much, there is no community, it doesn’t exist. Yes they have the #1 meme on base and this will more than likely attract investors but it wasn’t something I wanted to be a part of. I came across SPX6900 and was attracted by holders(community). I want to be a part of something, not feel left out of something. The team over at Brett does nothing but belittle people. This is my personal reason. Im glad I stumbled upon this community. I have my entire savings in this. Stop trading, believe in something.
submitted by /u/Automatic-Sense3133
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