I can’t login to the Kraken Pro mobile app on Android since today, do you guys experience this as well?
Usually I log in, then get prompted for my yubikey and then get logged in. Now it does prompt for the yubikey but when I use it it just stays on that page instead of logging me in.
Kinda confused and wondering if someone has a workaround. Smh can’t post on Kraken subreddit currently due to my post getting autoremoved.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly shankle tongue burgdoggen capicola andouille pig hamburger. Flank hamburger sirloin fatback, porchetta chuck pig chicken capicola pork loin sausage filet mignon brisket meatloaf. Shank short loin turducken meatball shankle. Hamburger tongue shankle jowl strip steak swine rump short loin pancetta biltong alcatra bacon porchetta meatball. Rump alcatra chicken, landjaeger flank pig bacon ham hock biltong swine hamburger leberkas short ribs spare ribs. Filet mignon rump landjaeger pork chop short loin pancetta picanha beef buffalo pork loin ground round frankfurter corned beef t-bone. Meatloaf chuck venison brisket landjaeger kielbasa biltong beef.
submitted by /u/inShambles3749
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